The United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Ireland, and European Union delegation have issued a statement condemning election violence in Sierra Leone.

In their joint statement, they expressed their concern regarding the incidents of violence and aggression that have taken place throughout the country leading up to the elections.

They called upon all individuals involved to abstain from engaging in violent acts, demonstrate respect for each other’s political choices, and reject any language that promotes division and hatred.

The statement reads, “We are concerned by reports of election-related violence and aggression across the country, in the run-up of the elections. We urge everyone to refrain from violence, respect the political choices of one another, and reject the language of division and hate.

“The peace pledge signed by President Bio, Dr Kamara, and all political parties in May committed all to peaceful campaigning and fair conduct in these elections and to resolving grievances through the court. This pledge should set the tone for all supporters in the weeks ahead.


“As representative of the international community, we stand together as firm friends of Sierra Leone’s people. At the invitation of the Electoral Commision of Sierra Leone, the deployment of national and international observer missions is now underway. In a spirit of partnership, we reiterate our support to transparent, inclusive, credible and peaceful elections that reflect the will of the people.”