Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh has on Saturday 13th May, 2023 paid a quick visit to the Community Health Foundation Medical Center in Mile 91.

The visit of the Vice President was to observe the facilities which the hospital has and how they are influencing the community and the ministry of health and sanitation as well as the country at large.

In his statement, the Vice President disclosed that, he first visited the facility when it was under construction and seeing the fast improvement was an accolade on the side of the management.

“I first visited this facility when it was under construction. I am very pleased to come here today and see that the facility has been opened and are providing medical care and treatment for the people” he said. He further thanked the CEO, Md. Linda Muckson Sesay for the sacrifice in ensuring that the people in that part of the Northern Province.

The Vice President assured that, the government has been very proactive to the issues of health in the country and as such will continue to receive supports from the government for their health services implementation at all times.

When we came as a government, the budgetary allocation for health was 6% and we have progressively increased it to 11.5% and today, we are seeing the result at the CHF hospital. We have reduced the maternal deaths drastically and facility lie this is part of that wider contribution. I will make sure that this facility is supported by our government”. He said.

The Community health foundation medical hospital was established to provide access to affordable and quality maternal healthcare for communities in Sierra Leone with the mission of giving hope to pregnant women, children, and people in the need within and outside the located community (Mile 91).