Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has expressed unwavering confidence in his ability to defeat Samura Kamara, the leader of the main opposition All Peoples Congress Party, if a new round of elections were to take place.

Responding to questions, President Bio said that it was only that he did not want to waste time anymore, but he would have called for a repeat of the June 23rd elections in the country.

“Because I know I can beat this man hands down any time, remember I beat his in 2018,” Bio said.

Highlighting his administration’s dedication to safeguarding and advancing the interests of Sierra Leoneans, President Bio cited notable progress in areas such as maternal healthcare, education, engagement with the United Nations Security Council, and more.

He reaffirmed his commitment to tirelessly working towards the advancement of the nation and the well-being of its citizens, ensuring a brighter future for all.