Legendary sierra Leonean hip-hop star Yusuf Osio Kamara, popularly known as YOK 7 has in a post on social media fired shot in a cryptic post on his Facebook page

YOK 7 took to his Facebook page to write a post that has left many fans wondering who exactly the legendary rapper is taking a dig at.

In his post, YOK 7 states that Talent is God-given and that one should be humble.

” fame is man-given, be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful” he writes

Adding to the controversy the legendary rapper went on to add that self-praise is for losers, also stating that one should be a winner, stand for something and should always have class and be humble. Ending his post with the hashtag borbor 4 u mot

Talent is God-given. Be humble.
Fame is man-given. Be grateful.
Conceit is self-given. Be careful. NOBLE SQUAD FOREVER!!!

Self-praise is for losers.
Be a winner.
Stand for something. Always have class and be humble. #BORBOR4UMOT