As the June 24th Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Councils’ elections draw closer, Sierra Leoneans living across the country such as in villages and towns regularly receive visitors (Politicians) purposely to surreptitiously campaign.
I have seen Mr. President making serious efforts in his bid to garner supports from Sierra Leoneans mainly in the SLPP strong hold and in some parts of the main opposition strong hold.
The President is busy strengthening his base through regular engagements and sending massages in the dominant language spoken in those areas.
Sometimes people alleged that messages conveyed through local languages contained information that instils fear in the minds of the local residents about the possible danger if the main opposition wins the June elections.
In addition, Mr President is also infiltrating the main opposition heartland with the support of some members of the opposition who have either directly declared for the ruling SLPP party or who by conduct have declared for the SLPP while playing the spider man political game.
I must say this, reading from a distance, I maintain that HE Bio with his SLPP seems to have been dealing with data and figures which is guiding him during this election process.
He seems to be very strategic by the look of things and if you see his targeted areas and the messages they spread in these areas, you will realise that the SLPP is executing a well planned agenda.
They have almost succeeded in confusing Sierra Leoneans especially in the areas Mr President has been targeting that Sierra Leoneans are not facing economic hardship because of the SLPP’s failed economic policies rather the hardship is global and that there is noting the SLPP can do to ameliorate it for now.
So far, the SLPP is not articulating anything relating to how the current economic situation in the country will be fixed if elected in June instead they are priming the message of global crisis and Ukraine Russia War.
The SLPP has almost made Sierra Leoneans to accept that their suffering comes from God as a destiny since it is global, not as a result of the SLPP government’s failed economic policies and poor management of the state resources.
In their strong hold, most people will not vote for the SLPP because of good economic policies or the SLPP’s achievements for the past five years, rather they will vote for the SLPP because the messages of fear they have received from various sources in their localities about the danger they will face if the APC wins the June 24 elections.
I honestly believe the tactics of infusing fear in the minds of Sierra Leoneans to neutralise disenchantments amongst voters in the SLPP strong hold is unfortunate and unhealthy for national cohesion.
There is no doubt that many Sierra Leoneans are disillusion about the current economic situation in the country including countless number of people in the SLPP strong holds.
However, if a political party leader spreads divisive messages during campaign to win elections, he will definitely rule a divisive nation when he wins.
In view of the above, I would like to remind the leadership of the main opposition party, the All People Congress (APC) that if truly they are serious about winning the June 2023 elections, they need to demonstrate that the APC has the answers to the questions the current economic hardship has raised in the minds of suffering Sierra Leoneans.
Honestly Sierra Leoneans were disenchanted with the Ernest Koroma’s administration prior to 2018 especially when austerity was declared.
The fact is that the past APCs were neither saint or angels when it comes to governance and human right issues in the country.
Many former APC ministers and other officials had involved in corruption and bad governance where these same police were weaponised against the then SLPP opposition.
Would a government under Dr. Samura Kamara introduce new breeds of APCs different from those who dominated the EBk’s administration ?
In that light, how are you going to let Sierra Leoneans believe and trust that the APC under Dr. Samura Kamara and Hon Chericoco would bring the changes needed in the country?
From my own observations, if the APC bank on only the current economic hardships in the country to win the next elections, then they must be joking and will be disappointed.
I do believe that if the APC is to win the next elections, they have to have strong campaign messages through the articulation of achievable policies that reassure Sierra Leoneans that this set of APCs is distinctive from the one that left the country in austerity in 2018.
I know about the political intimidation and harassment going on in the country targeting your party but as the main opposition, you should have foreseen all the SLPP tactics and designed mechanisms to peacefully counter them and get your messages across especially in the SLPP strong holds.
On this note, I would like to ask the APC leadership about the mechanism they have put in place to counter the toxic messages being circulated in the SLPP strong holds.
Furthermore, I want the APC leadership to note that Sierra Leoneans are not suffering under the SLPP government because they voted the then APC out of power rather the people are suffering because the ruling SLPP continued the same path of what Sierra Leoneans politicians (both APC and SLPP) are known for the past decades i.e. irresponsible and negligent governance system and lack of respect for Sierra Leoneans.
It is on this note, I would remind the APC not to take Sierra Leoneans for granted in the June 24th elections.