
Sierra Leone, like many countries, grapples with issues of political interference and partisanship in various aspects of the society. In particular, the legal profession plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all citizens. This article posits the argument for why Sierra Leone needs a non-political Bar Association President to lead the legal fraternity with impartiality and integrity.

The Role of the Bar Association:

The Bar Association in Sierra Leone serves as a professional body representing lawyers and advocating for the protection of human rights, the independence of the judiciary, and the rule of law. It plays a critical role in upholding legal standards, promoting ethical conduct among legal professionals, and safeguarding the rights of individuals.

Challenges of Political Interference:

In recent years, the legal profession in Sierra Leone has faced challenges of political interference, with some lawyers perceived to have close ties to SLPP and APC political parties or individuals in power. This has raised concerns about the independence and impartiality of the legal system, eroding public trust in the administration of justice.

The Need for Neutrality:

A non-political Bar Association President would be free from partisan interests and able to lead the legal fraternity with neutrality and objectivity. Such a leader would prioritise the welfare of the legal profession, uphold ethical standards, and advocate for the independence of the judiciary without succumbing to political pressures.

Promoting Rule of Law and Accountability:

By electing a non-political Bar Association President, Sierra Leone can demonstrate its commitment to upholding the rule of law and promoting accountability within the legal profession. This leader would have the credibility to address issues of corruption, nepotism, and unethical behaviour among lawyers, fostering a culture of integrity and professionalism.

Building Public Trust:

A non-political Bar Association President would help rebuild public trust in the legal system and demonstrate that justice is administered fairly and impartially. By distancing the legal profession from partisan politics, Sierra Leone can strengthen its democratic institutions and ensure equal access to justice for all citizens.


In conclusion, appointing a non-political Bar Association President in Sierra Leone is essential for upholding the integrity of the legal profession, promoting the rule of law, and restoring public trust in the justice system. By prioritising professionalism, neutrality, and ethical conduct, this leader can lead the legal fraternity towards a brighter future grounded in principles of justice and equality. It is imperative for Sierra Leone to prioritise the appointment of a non-political leader to guide the legal profession towards a path of integrity and independence.