As Sierra Leone’s political arena heats up in anticipation of the 2028 elections, the young and promising Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh, finds himself in the crosshairs of a complex power struggle within the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP).

What was once a promising career built on innovation and youth-driven ideas has now morphed into a political trap, where Sengeh has become a pawn in the chess game of power brokers.

His meteoric rise, initially seen as a breath of fresh air in a party dominated by old hands, is now viewed as a direct threat to the aspirations of influential figures within the ruling class, including President Julius Maada Bio’s wife, the ambitious First Lady Fatima Bio, and Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella, many regard as the power-hungry “Prince.”

President Julius Maada Bio, like any leader nearing the twilight of his presidency, is highly concerned with safeguarding both his legacy and his amassed wealth. The uncertainty that looms over his post-presidency years is palpable.

The president is looking not just for someone who can maintain the fragile stability he has cultivated but someone who can protect his interests, including shielding him from potential investigations into his financial dealings.

Yet, Bio’s decision-making has become increasingly erratic, driven by the conflicting ambitions of those around him. His desire to keep a stronghold on power is challenged by the emerging threat of Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, a man whose hunger for the presidency is only growing stronger as time slips away.

Yumkella, whose lineage ties him to the Paramount Chieftaincy, much like Bio himself, has nurtured a perception of entitlement to Sierra Leone’s highest office. His royal background and political credentials create a compelling narrative for those who seek a smooth succession plan.

However, Yumkella is not without his own vulnerabilities, and in a bid to secure his place, he has entered into an uneasy alliance with the First Lady, a political player with ambitions that far exceed her ceremonial role.

The First Lady’s ambition is no secret. Fatima Bio’s hunger for power and influence has been a constant source of tension within the ruling party. While her primary agenda might be to secure a role for herself in future governments, possibly even as a vice-presidential candidate, her immediate goal is to neutralize any threat that could undermine her influence, especially from within the SLPP. Her main target? Dr. David Sengeh.

Young and relatively inexperienced in the brutal world of Sierra Leonean politics, Dr. David Sengeh is seen as a bright light in President Bio’s administration. His leadership in digital transformation and education has earned him international acclaim, and he was once viewed as a key asset to the SLPP. However, his rise has come at a price.

Sengeh, with his modern approach to governance, has inadvertently alienated the old guard of the party. His ambitious reform agenda, combined with his outspokenness and perceived arrogance, has ruffled feathers among those who have long dominated the SLPP’s inner circle

But Sengeh’s downfall was not entirely self-inflicted. The First Lady, who perceives him as overshadowing her, particularly in the eyes of President Bio, has orchestrated a plan to push him to the periphery. Her strategy involves exploiting the weaknesses and overreaching ambitions of Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, who has long desired to lead Sierra Leone.

In a well-calculated move, the First Lady has lured Yumkella into a political alliance that would see him promoted as the successor to Bio, with her as his running mate. By doing so, Fatima Bio seeks to kill two birds with one stone: eliminate Sengeh as a political threat and solidify her own path to power.

Dr. Yumkella, blinded by his ambition and cognizant of his dwindling window of opportunity, has fallen into the trap. His eagerness to lead at any cost has made him an easy pawn in the First Lady’s game, further entangling Sengeh in a web of political manipulation.

Dr. Sengeh’s own actions have not helped his case. His approach to leadership has at times been marred by miscalculations. From public spats with religious leaders to his failure to navigate the complexities of SLPP’s internal politics, Sengeh has made significant missteps.

His appointment as Chairman of the SLPP Constitutional Review Committee only deepened the rift between him and the party’s old guard, many of whom see him as an interloper. His lavish lifestyle and penchant for media appearances have only worsened his situation, turning him into a target for both his political enemies and the press.

Perhaps the most dangerous adversary Sengeh has encountered is Dr. Sylvia Blyden, a maverick figure whose loyalties are difficult to pin down. Blyden’s sharp political instincts and unpredictable allegiances have made her a formidable opponent, and her public confrontations with Sengeh have further damaged his reputation.

The fact that no one can ascertain where Blyden’s true loyalties lie only adds to the intrigue and peril surrounding Sengeh’s position. But many believe she is promoting the interests of Fatima Bio, who she refers to as her sister.

As the political drama unfolds, it is clear that Dr. David Sengeh is being pushed toward the sidelines. The political triangle of President Bio, Fatima Bio, and Dr. Yumkella leaves little room for Sengeh, who is increasingly seen as disposable.

The First Lady will stop at nothing to eliminate anyone vying for power, using intimidation, manipulation, and even blackmail to secure her dominance.

But Sengeh is not the only one facing this fate. Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, once referred to by President Bio as “humble,” is also in the crosshairs. Like Sengeh, he is being groomed for political elimination, as Fatima Bio and her allies consolidate power ahead of the 2028 elections.

The likes of Dr. Alie Kabba, Alhaji Musa Tarawally, and other contenders are watching the unfolding political machinations with keen interest, recognizing that this is not just a fight for political survival but a struggle for the future of Sierra Leone.

Dr. David Sengeh’s predicament highlights the ruthlessness of Sierra Leonean politics. His meteoric rise, once celebrated as a symbol of youth and innovation, now serves as a cautionary tale of how easily one can be used and discarded by the power-hungry elite.

The political game being played by President Bio, Fatima Bio, and Dr. Yumkella is not just about who will lead the country next, but about who will control its wealth and future.

Sengeh, like many before him, is discovering that in this game, ambition and idealism are no match for the raw, cynical calculus of political survival.