In an ecstatic and flamboyant mood, millions of Sierra Leoneans have welcomed the pronouncement by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) that, 24th June 2023, will be the date that Sierra Leoneans will go to the polls and elect the next President for a term of five years.
This is the day many Sierra Leoneans have been waiting for. The day of reckoning for President Bio, is fast approaching. On this day, Sierra Leoneans will show the inept Bio, the exist door, making him the first *’ONE TERM PRESIDENT’ in the country.
After the bastardization of the country’s Constitution, rampant sacking of workers, *rampant corruption and mismanagement of public funds,* rampant and unnecessary oversea trips all in the name of per diem; *the shambolic and deplorable state of the country’s economy, leaving millions of Sierra Leoneans in abject poverty and hunger on a daily basis*.
More recently, the continuous *blackouts* in the country, the inadequacies of the government to stabilize fuel prices, are all evidence of the *wrong direction* in which the country under Bio is heading.
On the 24th June, 2023 Sierra Leoneans will have the opportunity to free themselves from the shambolic leadership of Bio, and would choose wisely, allowing Dr Kandeh Yumkella to set our country on the path of economic and social development and advancement, by restoring *Hope*, creating *Opportunities*, which will deliver Transformative Change* to our beloved country.