Dear National Executive of the All People’s Congress (APC) Party,

I write to you today as a concerned member and stakeholder of our great party, the APC. As we celebrate our legacy and the progress we’ve made since our inception in 1960, I am compelled to address a pressing issue that threatens our very existence: the fragmentation and disillusionment of our party members.

Our party was born out of a desire to free the people of Sierra Leone from the shackles of bad governance under Sir Milton Margai. We have since become a symbol of hope, justice, and equality. However, I fear that we are losing sight of our purpose and allowing internal conflicts to erode our foundation.

It is no secret that our party has been plagued by internal wrangling, petty squabbles, and a growing sense of disillusionment among our members. Many have become disenchanted and disconnected, feeling marginalized and ignored. This has led to a worrying exodus of dedicated and loyal members who feel that their voices are no longer heard.

I urge you, our National Executive, to take immediate action to address this crisis. It is imperative that we create an environment that encourages all aggrieved members to come back home. We must listen to their concerns, acknowledge their grievances, and work towards a more inclusive and participatory party structure.

We are not a social media club but a political organization with a sacred responsibility to the people of Sierra Leone. Our party’s survival and success depend on our ability to unite, reconcile, and move forward as one.

To achieve this, I propose the following:

Establish a Reconciliation Committee to engage with disillusioned members and facilitate their return to the party fold.

Foster a culture of internal democracy, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that every member’s voice is heard and valued.

Develop a comprehensive policy framework that addresses the pressing issues facing our nation and provides a clear direction for our party.

Strengthen our grassroots structures and engage with our base to rekindle the passion and commitment that has always defined our party.

Empower our youth and women’s wings to take on leadership roles and contribute to the party’s growth and development.

By taking these steps, we can begin to heal the wounds of our party and emerge stronger, more united, and more focused on our core values.

I appeal to all members, especially those who have become disenchanted, to give our party another chance. Let us work together to rebuild and revitalize our APC, ensuring that it remains a beacon of hope and a force for good in Sierra Leone’s political landscape.

The time for reconciliation is now. The time for unity is now. Let us seize this moment and forge a brighter future for our party and our beloved nation.
