A few days ago, this writer watched videos that had gone viral where the house of Parliament was chaotic as MPs were throwing objects at each other, and also some objects were being thrown on the floor.
This writer heard unpalatable insults in the well of Parliament by human beings in the good parliament.
This writer could not follow the event since he was busy with his graduation preparation in Scotland.
However, today the writer has read news posts where the clerk of parliament said four APC MPs are to be investigated by the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) for allegedly damaging properties belonging to the house of parliament which is worth millions of leones.
It was also reported that Mr.Speaker promised that this time round, the law will deal with those who are involved in violence and stated that the immunity which MPs are supposed to enjoy as per the constitution doesn’t include physical behavior especially physical violent conduct.
This writer condemns any form of violence in the country and more importantly in the well of the country’s parliament; especially when such is carried out by honorable members.
However, was it only APC members who were involved in the fighting that was shown on video?
If the APC MPs constituted one group, which other group were the APC MPs fighting with?
Have there been any internal investigations by Parliament to prove that it was only the APC MPs who created the tension in parliament and property damage?
I know some may counter-argue that the SLPP MPs were not expected to damage the properties since they are in power, yet didn’t the SLPP MPs throw anything at the allegedly rioting APC MPs during the fight?
This writer was just thinking that when two parties fight, the two parties who fought should be investigated either by the police or whoever is doing the investigation to ascertain the facts of the issues, such as who started the fight and what prompted it but asking the police to investigate only APC MPs in a confusing confusion creates doubt in the minds of sane and non-partisan citizens as to how unbias the investigations would look like.
On the issue of the PR regulation which triggered the confusion, I think the Paopa government must obey democratic principles, and those in authority must know that they are in power because of the democracy that has been nurtured for the past years in the country.
Trying to circumvent the due process in passing a law or regulation is not acceptable thus it is not a good sign of democratic growth.
Today, you are turning deaf ears to voices that are calling you to pay attention to due process.
A thing that you were championing when in opposition.
You are just bent on bulldozing on many issues and you have almost gone beyond that which the APCs used to do.
You are more willing to use force to get your way than using democratic means.
This writer is of the view that the would-be police investigations should not be one-sided as no sane person would assume that the SLPP MPs just folded their arms in front of them when the APC MPs were carrying out the destruction and confusion in the well of parliament.
Notwithstanding, those who are culpable must be dealt with as dictated by the laws in Sierra Leone, not by politicians. Eg orders from above.
The law must be applied right across the board not just to a selected few in the name of politics.
It is sad for our country and our democracy.