The All People’s Congress (APC), Sierra Leone’s main opposition party, has condemned the arrest of their Organizing Secretary for the North West Region, Mr. Abubakar Boxx Konteh, in neighboring Guinea.

Konteh, along with other unnamed APC members, was reportedly arrested on March 23rd, 2024, at the behest of the Sierra Leonean government led by President Maada Bio. The APC views this as a continuation of efforts to “suppress and harass” opposition members.

The statement alleges that Konteh has not been seen or heard from by his family or lawyers since his arrest. The party accuses Sierra Leonean authorities in Guinea of failing to disclose his whereabouts or grant access to him while in custody.

“The disappearance of members of our party and denial of access to justice while in detention is a worrying trend and a blatant violation of their constitutional and human rights,” the APC declared.

The party demands clarification from the Sierra Leonean government regarding Konteh’s location and the situation of all arrested members. They denounce the arrests as “unfounded” and a deviation from democratic principles.

The APC further claims these actions violate the Agreement for National Unity, a pact aimed at fostering cooperation between the ruling and opposition parties. They warn that such actions “jeopardize the peace and stability” of Sierra Leone.

The statement concludes with an appeal to the Guinean government to uphold the rights of Sierra Leonean citizens within its borders. The APC reiterates its commitment to democracy and condemns the use of state power for political persecution. They urge the government to cease these “unwarranted actions.”