Sierra Leone’s main opposition party the All Peoples Congress (APC) party has today announced that they would not be pursuing legal action regarding the controversial June 24th, 2023 polls.

The decision stems from the party’s longstanding concerns about the impartiality and competence of the Sierra Leone Judiciary in addressing electoral violations and upholding the rule of law.

The APC had previously rejected the election results due to alleged discrepancies and irregularities in the tallying and verification processes.

The party claims that a comparison between the announced results by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) and its own tallies revealed significant inconsistencies and blatant voter fraud. However, the APC believes that seeking redress through the court system is futile, as they perceive the judiciary to be under the control of the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP).

According to the APC, the ECSL, Sierra Leone Police (SLP), and Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) demonstrated biased behavior during the June 24th elections, further reinforcing the party’s lack of confidence in the fairness of the judicial system.

“This lack of trust in the courts has been echoed by the public, national and international observers, as well as development partners.”

The APC’s concerns about the judiciary’s impartiality are based on a series of unresolved cases from previous elections.

The party highlights instances where its petitions against SLPP elected Members of Parliament were not heard, while simultaneously, SLPP petitions against APC MPs were given priority. The court’s controversial rulings resulted in the replacement of ten APC elected Parliamentarians with SLPP candidates. These incidents, along with other high-profile cases, have eroded the party’s faith in the judiciary’s independence and fairness.

The APC further accuses the Chief Justice of selectively assigning cases to judges, ensuring that only cases involving the APC are heard by judges who deliver what they deem as “captured judgments.”

The party asserts that the only way to restore faith in the judicial system is for the Chief Justice to resign and for an independent panel of judges from Commonwealth countries, with no political affiliation to Sierra Leone, to preside over the electoral violations case.

In light of these circumstances, the APC maintains its stance of not recognizing President Julius Maada Bio’s legitimacy and refuses to participate in any level of governance until the electoral irregularities are satisfactorily addressed.

The party warns that the erosion of democracy and the rule of law in Sierra Leone, as observed in other African nations, can lead to autocracy and instability.

The APC concludes its statement by calling on defenders of democracy and the rule of law to take action to prevent the undermining of the will of the electorate and the deterioration of democratic principles in Sierra Leone and beyond.

Lansana Dumbuya Esq, National Secretary-General, confirmed the party’s position in the statement.