The All People’s Congress (APC) has just issued a press statement replying to the police about the 72 hours notice of receipt of receiving a letter calling on the protection of their supporters to a nation wide peaceful protest to be held against the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) on Wednesday the 21st June, 2023.

In the statement which is made in reference to their previous letter to the Sierra Leone Police dated 17th June 2023, they stated clearly what they will do if their demands are not met after the dialogue set by the PPRC and National Cohesion.

They said, “ As you might have learnt, prior to the expiration of the seventy two-hour notification to the police, the Political Parties Regulatory Commission (PPRC) and the Peace Commission convened a meeting which was held yesterday, 19th June, 2023 at 3pm, to resolve the issues we raised vis-å-vis the discrepancies in the electoral process of the 24h June, 2023 polls machinated by the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL).The meeting ended without any headway. We want to unequivocally state here that, if all the issues are not resolved in today’s 12pm meeting, be notified that we have now call out our supporters nation-wide to converge in designated areas to be communicated by the Party for a peaceful protest on Wednesday 21st  June, 2023. As it will be a peaceful procession, we urge your personnel to be peaceful with civilians and to provide us with the required protection.”

See release below: