President Julius Maada Bio has meet with elders of his party, the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) to discuss developmental plans and matters pivotal to the country’s growth.

In an official statement, President Bio expressed his appreciation for the unwavering support of the SLPP Elders, describing them as “the guiding light of our Party.” He emphasized their collective wisdom, experience, and dedication as being invaluable in Sierra Leone’s journey toward peace and prosperity.

“I had the opportunity to thank them for their consistent backing of my government’s vision for national development,” Bio said. He went on to reaffirm his role not only as the leader of SLPP but also his broader responsibility to the nation.

“As Leader of the Party, I am resolute in my commitment to steering both the Party and the nation towards realizing the vision of the SLPP,” he remarked. This vision encapsulates the idea of “ONE COUNTRY, ONE PEOPLE” – a united, peaceful, and progressive Sierra Leone. A nation where citizens can access decent jobs, food, education, and healthcare services and experience equal justice and opportunities.

The BIG FIVE GAME CHANGER agenda stands as a significant pillar in President Bio’s roadmap for a brighter future for Sierra Leone. The president’s renewed vow is seen as a positive sign by many, showcasing his undeterred dedication to the nation’s advancement.