The cabinet of Sierra Leone’s President, Julius Maada Bio has held its final meeting ahead of the June 2023 elections.

The meeting is part of a good governance structure as the country prepares for the 24 June 2023 elections.

Some locals have criticized Bio’s Administration ahead of the elections especially the economy as the local currency continues to depreciate against other foreign currencies.

Some people have also heaped blame on the government for failing to curb inflation in the past two years.

Bio’s supporters have, however, blamed the war in Ukraine for the West African country’s economic predicament.

His supporters also point to the development of electricity in the country, especially in provincial towns and other rural parts of the country.

Sierra Leone will go to the polls in June in a Multi-tier election.

The focal competition will be between incumbent Maada Bio will contest against the main opposition All People’s Congress candidate, Dr. Samura Kamara.

The two faced each other in 2018 with Bio winning by a narrow margin.

Both candidates are confident that they will win the election without a runoff.