Prominent Sierra Leonean politician, Dr. Sylvia Blyden, has expressed her disagreement with the recent remarks made by US Senator Jim Risch concerning the electoral process in Sierra Leone.

Taking to her Twitter account, Dr. Blyden countered Senator Risch’s statement and defended the actions of citizen observers in the country.

Senator Risch had raised concerns about the lack of transparency and increasing harassment faced by citizen observers in Sierra Leone. He emphasized the need for confidence-building measures from the country’s electoral commission and urged for the release of disaggregated polling station results.

In response, Dr. Blyden tweeted, “I see a Statement by Senator Risch about Sierra Leone Elections where Risch markets narratives about ‘defaming’ Observers. I DISAGREE that so MANY questions arising around SHADY behavior of few Observers is defaming. Our Questions will CONTINUE unabated, Senator.”

Dr. Blyden’s disagreement stems from Senator Risch’s characterization of the situation, which she believes does not accurately reflect the actions of the observers.

The politician expressed her commitment to raising questions and seeking answers, suggesting that the concerns regarding the behavior of a few observers should not be dismissed as defamatory.