Dr. Richard konteh, one of the strong members of the main opposition-All Peoples Congress (APC) Party and a flag bear aspirant for the 2023 presidential elections has referred to Sierra Leone’s democracy being under a serious threat from and by certain individuals.

In a statement, Konteh stated He received the news about the award of the MCC Compact to Sierra Leone with mixed feelings.

“While we will always wish the best for our country, including the MCC Compact award, which Dr. Richard Konteh worked on as Chief of Staff, we detest this apparent attempt to reward bad behaviour”

He maintained that, the Agreement for National Unity is yet to be fully implemented, and a range of bottlenecks stand in the way of the successful completion of the report of the Tripartite Committee primarily because of the intransigence of the ECSL and lack of consensus on the committee on how to deal with the contentious issues.

Democracy is clearly under threat in Sierra Leone, and we shall make a mockery of elections if there is no accountability for undermining democracy and elections in Sierra Leone.” he stated.