The National Executive of the Sierra Leone’s Opposition All People’s Congress (APC) has announced recommencent of membership registration and verification.

This decision comes after uncovering several issues, including inconsistencies in the database, temporary registrations by the Interim Transition Governance Committee (ITGC), duplication of registration numbers, and a backlog of unprocessed membership applications.

However, Sierra Leone Former Minister of Transport and Aviation, Kemoh Sesay has said he will not register with the party as he still does not know the fate of his June 2023 presidential vote, saying he is not sure if it is reflected in the final vote count.

Despite the call from the APC executive for the party to start registering members, Sesay, well influential in the party makes him an obvious potential future flagbearer, surprised everyone when he released an audio saying that he will not be registering with the party until he knows the fate of his vote.

Kemoh said in the buildup to the June 2023 elections many opposition supporters didn’t vote because they were intimidated and afraid of violent repercussions.

Meanwhile Sesay wants to know how the SLPP won the election, once again casting doubt on how the votes were tallied by the electoral commission and the chief returning officer

To avoid the kinds of problems that could result from elections issues Kemoh said the saying international community requested for both parties in the interest of the people should work things out to ensure peace at the end of the Process.

Since it is required that both parties work together to settle the impasse Kemoh said he still does not know the fate of his vote he cast for the APC, adding that he is doubtful if it is reflected in the Chief electoral Commissioner’s tallying votes.

The new registration and verification process will commence on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, following approval from the National Advisory Committee (NAC). A grand launching ceremony will be held at the Party Headquarters in Freetown at 12 PM, with similar events scheduled in other districts as outlined in the attached itinerary.