Dr. John Idris Lahai, renowned for exposing Sierra Leoneans with fake degrees has vowed not to rest until the United State government imposes ban on Sierea Leone government officials.

In a social media post, Dr. Lahai made these remarks in response to comments from the Senate Foreign Relation Committee, which echoed concerns raised by the US Embassy in Sierra Leone regarding the country’s democratic process.

The Senate Foreign Relation Committee stated, “We are closely watching developments in Sierra Leone including election-related violence, intimidating of observers, & ECSL’s non-transparent vote tallying & results. We must hold accountable those who undermine the country’s democratic process.”

These remarks further emphasized the international community’s interest in ensuring a fair and transparent electoral outcome.

Drawing upon these concerns, Dr. Lahai has outlined his demands for the United States to take action. His requests include:

  1. Imposing travel bans on President Bio’s government officials,
  2. Imposing travel bans on all ECSL commissioners,
  3. Removing Sierra Leone from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and
  4. Freezing all foreign assets belonging to key SLPP/NGC and ECSL officials.