The Political Parties Regulation Commission of Sierra Leone (PPRC-SL) is reflecting on the 2023 general election as part of a three day annual staff retreat in Bo City, Southern Sierra Leone.

The retreat which started on the 7th September, 2023 is based on the plans of looking critically at the role of the commission before, during and after the 2023 general elections in Sierra Leone.

The Chairman of the Commission, Abdulai Masiyambay Bangura expressed his appreciation for the continued support they have been getting from the European Union through the International IDEAS, adding that, the retreat is about them getting a quick check reflection that has to do with self-retrospection and self-evaluation in terms of what they have had from the last retreat.

“In terms of successes made so far, I think staff deserves a tap on their back; despite the toxic and difficult terrain the commission is working on, we were able to score some very landmark successes” he stated.

The Head Of International IDEA For Sierra Leone, Idriss Mamoud Tarawally said that, He is very proud of the work the commission has and for the way the people of the country conducted themselves throughout the elections and even now that results are been called.

“The PPRC-SL annual retreat 2023 is about being reflective of what has being done, and that self-critic is the root to success, it is better than somebody telling you let’s fix this” he maintained.