In a recent address to the nation, Chief Minister Jacob Jusus Saffa, a prominent figure in President Bio’s administration, has pledged to address the rising prices of commodities and control inflation of the US dollar in Sierra Leone within three months after the upcoming June 24th elections, should they be reelected for a second term.

Expressing confidence in the people’s support for the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and President Bio, Saffa highlighted the accomplishments of their previous five-year tenure. He emphasized the government’s significant strides in various sectors, including infrastructure development, healthcare, energy, education, and more.

However, Saffa acknowledged the economic challenges facing the country, particularly the increasing value of the US dollar. He attributed this issue to a surge in imports during the election period, causing instability in the economy. Saffa stressed that sustainable development is impossible without economic stability.

“We have a clear agenda to tackle these issues. While there may have been a few missteps that led to this unfortunate situation, we are determined to stabilize the economy within the next three months, right after the elections. We need to reduce prices and the reliance on the US dollar,” Saffa declared.

Furthermore, Saffa recognized the urgent need to expand Sierra Leone’s exports to reduce the heavy dependency on imports. Efforts are underway to bolster the export sector, enabling the nation to achieve a more balanced trade and strengthen the overall economy.

As the June 24th elections approach, Saffa urged the electorate to grant the SLPP and President Bio a second mandate, highlighting their commitment to addressing the economic challenges and building a prosperous Sierra Leone.

With high hopes for the future, Chief Minister Saffa concluded, “The past five years have set us apart from any other government. We have the experience, plans, and determination to stabilize the economy and improve the lives of all Sierra Leoneans. Let us come together and chart a path to a brighter future.”