Distinguished APC Supporters,

My Fellow Sierra Leoneans,

Today, I address you with deep gratitude and appreciation regarding the Report of the Tripartite Committee. I thank each of you for your unwavering support and patience during the committee’s deliberations. Your commitment to national peace, unity, and security has been truly inspiring.

The Tripartite Committee was formed in response to the need to restore confidence in our electoral processes and ensure the transparent and credible expression of the people’s will. Following the June 24, 2023 elections, concerns arose regarding irregularities and transparency, prompting dialogue facilitated by esteemed bodies such as the African Union and ECOWAS.

The Committee’s mandate was clear: to review the electoral systems and processes, assess the legal framework, and propose reforms to enhance future elections’ transparency and credibility. After rigorous engagement with stakeholders and comprehensive deliberations, the Committee presented its Report on July 1, 2024, outlining key findings and recommendations for implementation.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the APC team, led by Dr. Kaifala Marah, and the Technical Committee, led by Dr. Sam Sesay. Their dedication and expertise were instrumental in navigating complex issues and achieving consensus on critical points with the SLPP team. This collaboration underscores the power of unity and purpose in advancing our national interests.

Fellow Sierra Leoneans,

The Tripartite Report reflects divergent perspectives, particularly on the validity of election results and electoral management. The APC maintains that statistical inconsistencies warrant a rerun of the 2023 elections under ECOWAS facilitation, alongside reforms to strengthen electoral integrity. Conversely, the government upholds the ECSL’s declared results as valid, presenting differing analyses within the Report.

Transparency in the electoral process is paramount to upholding democracy. The ECSL’s lack of transparency and failure to provide verifiable results reconciliation forms (RRFs) undermine public trust. The APC has substantiated its claims with evidence from a majority of polling stations, highlighting discrepancies and mathematical implausibilities in the ECSL’s results.

Moving forward, our commitment remains resolute in seeking justice and truth for the Sierra Leonean electorate. The call for a rerun of the elections is not just about electoral justice but safeguarding the integrity of our democratic principles. We must ensure every vote counts and reflects the true will of the people.

To my fellow APC comrades,

This is a pivotal moment requiring unity and resolve across all levels of leadership. It is not a time for recrimination but collective action to defend our democratic rights and pursue electoral justice. Our international partners, civil society, media, and religious leaders have been integral in this journey, providing crucial support and advocacy.

As we proceed with the implementation phase of the Tripartite Committee’s recommendations, addressing unresolved issues and enhancing electoral transparency will be our priority. We must remain steadfast, peaceful, and united in our pursuit of a fair electoral process and a prosperous future for all Sierra Leoneans.


In conclusion,


The journey towards electoral justice is ongoing, and we are making significant strides. I urge everyone to stay hopeful and engaged. Let us uphold the principles of democracy and continue our dialogue towards a Sierra Leone where justice and truth prevail.


Thank you, and may God bless Sierra Leone.