Leader and 2023 Presidential candidate of the Sierra Leone’s opposition All People’s Congress (APC), Dr. Samura Kamara has reaffirmed his commitment not to betray the party’s principles and values. 

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday in Freetown, Kamara vociferously reaffirmed his allegiance to the party and its members.

In the backdrop of growing political unrest and suspicions surrounding the recent presidential election on June 24th, 2023, allegations of rigging by the Election Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) and President Bio have emerged. Amidst this tumult, some APC supporters voiced concerns about Dr. Kamara’s silence on the matter, leading to doubts regarding his loyalty to the party.

Addressing these concerns, Kamara stated unequivocally, “I Samuel Mathew Wilson Kamara, as your leader, have not and will never ever betray your trust and confidence.”

Furthermore, he touched on the broader national context, emphasizing that both he and President Bio are viewed by international entities as pivotal figures in restoring stability to Sierra Leone.

In response to calls for post-election dialogue, Kamara urged supporters to remain steadfast, emphasizing his unwavering dedication to the APC and its mission. “Fear not,” he urged, further solidifying his commitment to the party and its constituents.

Dr. Kamara’s timely declaration comes as the APC navigates a rapidly changing political landscape in Sierra Leone. His reassertion is a strategic move to bolster the party’s base and reassure anxious supporters of his dedication to the party’s principles.

APC party members and supporters welcomed Kamara’s pledge with fervor, reflecting their continued faith in his leadership and the party’s vision for Sierra Leone’s future.

Dr. Kamara concluded by reiterating the party’s commitment to championing the nation’s interests, encapsulated in their rallying cry, “We will continue to hold what we have.”