The ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party SLPP Public Relations Committee (PRC) has denounced the alleged threating remarks and political intimidation by the main opposition, All People’s Congress (APC) supporters against their supporters in the Northern region of Sierra Leone. 

In a recent video circulating on social media, a prominent member of the All People’s Congress (APC) was allegedly captured making threatening remarks, inciting violence against members of the SLPP in the North and advocating for the destruction of their properties.

This incident is not an isolated one, as the SLPP claims that its members have previously been subjected to unprovoked attacks by APC supporters in various parts of the country.

According to the SLPP, on May 7, 2023, a peaceful community in Foindu, Pujehun district, was targeted by APC thugs who assaulted innocent villagers, including the Town Chief, for expressing concerns about an unruly crowd of non-inhabitants invading the village. They added the situation escalated when the thugs resorted to throwing acid indiscriminately, resulting in four individuals, including the Town Chief, sustaining burn injuries. The Town Chief is currently in critical condition at a local hospital.

SLPP further alleged that, on May 23, during the first day of the campaign, acts of intimidation and violence were perpetrated against their supporters in Mile 91, allegedly with the support of the Local Unit Commander (LUC) and his officers. The party noted that incidents forced many of its supporters to flee Mile 91 out of concern for their safety and that of their families.

The SLPP Public Relations Committee therefore strongly condemns the threatening remarks, acts of intimidation, and suppression of its members by the APC, particularly in the Northern Region.

The committee emphasizes the need for a level playing field for all political parties, urging the Sierra Leone Police, the Political Parties Regulation Commission (PPRC), and the Electoral Commission Sierra Leone (ECSL) to swiftly investigate the threatening remarks captured in the video and the sporadic physical attacks on SLPP members, especially in the North.

They further call for prompt action to ensure that supporters of all registered political parties can freely and peacefully carry out their political activities across the country.

The party states that they are committed to upholding the principles of democracy, freedom of association, and the right to engage in political activities without hindrance. The SLPP believes that a peaceful and inclusive political environment is crucial for fostering national unity and progress in Sierra Leone.