The CEO of Luawa FC, Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, penned an emotional letter to fans following the Sierra Leone Football Association’s (SLFA) decision to ban the team from using their home ground in Kailahun.

The ban stems from a new rule requiring all Premier League matches to be played on artificial turf. Abdulai argues this decision is unfair, especially considering a prior agreement with the league for a gradual implementation.

The letter details the team’s shock at receiving a last-minute email forcing them to find an alternate venue with artificial turf, despite previously approved home games in Kailahun. The abrupt cancellation of a match against Old Edwardians further fueled outrage, leaving fans and management in the dark about the reasoning.

Abdulai criticizes the opaque distribution of FIFA-provided artificial turf, which favored the capital Freetown and other major cities, leaving Kailahun without the resources to comply with the new rule. He emphasizes the importance of allowing teams to play on existing natural fields, especially when those fields have a history of hosting matches.

The decision, according to Abdulai, deprives Kailahun residents of the opportunity to enjoy Premier League matches and unfairly hinders the development of football in the region. He highlights his commitment to bringing the team to Kailahun to uplift the district and establish a football academy for the community’s youth.

The letter calls for unity among fans and demands transparency, fairness, and equal opportunities for all regions to participate in football. Abdulai urges fans to remain steadfast and fight for their right to play on their home turf, emphasizing the importance of integrity and fairness in football governance.

The CEO concludes with a message of hope, urging fans to use this setback as a rallying cry for justice and equality. He expresses confidence that Luawa FC will one day return to playing in front of their home fans in Kailahun.