The Sierra Leone National Sports Authority (NSA) are under increasing pressure from other sports association to diversify funds from football to other sporting disciplines.

There are reports that advocates are asking the NSA to digress about 40 percent of football expenditures to other disciplines like cycling and cricket. They argue that while football has failed to reap dividends, cycling and cricket have brought in return on investment.

Recently, the Sierra Leone Cycling Team participating in Tour de Cote d’Ivoire in Ivory Coast was able to clinch gold through Moses Kamara, who finished first on day four of the 8-day competition. He was able to beat other competitors from Togo, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon and Mali.

The advocates also used the Sierra Leone national team, Leone Stars poor performance including qualifying for the previous AFCON competition Ivory Coast.

Although football is the most popular sport in the Wwest African nation, cycling is also attracting a lot of attention lately especially the Tour de Lunsar cycling competitition which attracts may riders not only in Sierra Leone but also the sub-region.