Our lips will not get tired for appreciating you guys, even our hands will type every good things about you.
We are happy that you were able to make it to our 20 years anniversary celebration, despite the busy schedules during this festive period.
We sincerely thank you for your company,gift , good wishes and for helping this anniversary celebration be a success; an occasion we will never forget.
We are grateful to the president of SLFA and his team for their wonderful support.
Thanks to all 18 premier league clubs and their executive members, all division one and two clubs, community teams and many others.We are grateful to all the artists that light up the anniversary,the general public,footballers and X footballers that were in attendance to make the 20 years anniversary a proper football anniversary.
We received messages and donations from club chairmen even though they were not in the hall,we thank you for remembering us and the support you sent.
We know more donations will come in subsequent days from those that were too busy to attend or send representations.
Once more,we are more than thankful to you all.
We wish you all the best in this 2023