The President of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA), Thomas Daddy Brima, has expressed his admiration for the significant strides made by the North East Region Football Association in fostering the growth of football in the area.

In a recent statement, President Brima lauded the association’s chairman, Brima Jalloh, for his exceptional leadership and commitment to the sport’s development.

I am impressed by the exceptional work the North East Region Football Association under the leadership of Chairman Brima Jalloh is doing in developing football in the region,” Brima stated.

President Brima, along with Vice President 1 Harold Nat Johnson, attended the grand final of the male and female Division One Leagues held at the Wusum Field. The event marked a significant milestone for the region’s football community.

In his remarks, President Brima extended his heartfelt congratulations to the Golden Dragons for their victory in the Male Division One League and to the Rising Queens for clinching the Female Championship title.

Furthermore, President Brima reaffirmed his commitment to enhancing football infrastructure in the region. “As promised to the Bombali people, his Executive will provide a facelift to the Wusum Field,” he added.