President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone has confirmed a positive and fruitful conversation with Liberia’s President-Elect, Joseph Nyumah Boakai.

President Bio extended his heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the Government and people of Sierra Leone, acknowledging Boakai’s victory in the recently concluded polls in Liberia.

Expressing the significance of their nations’ relationship, President Bio emphasized the commitment to strengthen the existing bonds of friendship and cooperation. He stated, “As neighbors and friends, Sierra Leone looks forward to enhancing regional stability, economic growth, and the overall well-being of our citizens in collaboration with Liberia.”

President Bio also took the opportunity to commend the outgoing Liberian President, George Weah, for his statesmanlike acceptance of the election result. He praised Weah’s dedication to peace, stability, and the advancement of democracy not only in Liberia but also across West Africa and the continent as a whole.

This diplomatic exchange signals a positive and collaborative approach between Sierra Leone and Liberia, with both leaders expressing a shared commitment to regional stability and the well-being of their respective citizens. As the two nations look forward to continued cooperation, the dialogue between President Bio and President-Elect Boakai sets a positive tone for future collaborations in the West African region.