Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara (JFK), prominent lawyer representing Former President Ernest Bai Koroma and a stalwart member of Sierra Leone’s All People’s Congress (APC), has strongly condemned Guinea’s Military Government’s recent actions. Following the dissolution of the cabinet and the directive for ministers to surrender their passports, official vehicles, and the freezing of their bank accounts, Kamara voiced his concerns and proposed an alternative approach.

In response to Guinea’s Military Government’s move, Kamara expressed his discontent, highlighting the drastic measures taken by the authorities. He stated, “Guinea’s Military Government dissolved the cabinet, and ordered Ministers to surrender their passports and cars. Me thinks, the best thing to have done was call for immediate national elections and let the people deliver a verdict on the performance of the Government as a whole.

Kamara’s statement underscores his belief in democratic processes and the importance of allowing the people to determine the fate of their government through fair and transparent elections. By advocating for immediate national elections, Kamara suggests that this would provide an opportunity for the citizens to assess the government’s performance and make informed decisions about the country’s future direction.

Moreover, Kamara’s stance reflects a commitment to upholding democratic principles and institutions, both domestically and regionally. As a legal luminary with extensive experience in matters of governance and the rule of law, his opinion carries weight within Sierra Leone and the wider West African region.

The dissolution of the cabinet and the imposition of restrictions on ministers by Guinea’s Military Government have sparked concerns about the state of democracy and governance in the region. Kamara’s outspoken criticism serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting democratic norms and processes, even in times of political upheaval.

Kamara’s call for national elections aligns with international standards for democratic governance and accountability. By advocating for a mechanism through which the people can exercise their democratic rights, Kamara emphasizes the need for inclusive and participatory decision-making processes in shaping the future of Guinea.