Newly introduced online business Company, Super Advertis has announced to customers that it will shut down in 2 – 3 days from today Tuesday 2nd January 2024.

This announcement was made on its website early today. According to the announcement, all funds of the company have been frozen by Orange, hence the reason for its shutdown.

The Company has directed its users and partners to go to Rakuten, which it stated is its other branch, to retrieve all their money.

It further directed that they contact the manager of Rakuten and send their account ID as well as their balance screenshots, to handle fund withdrawals.

The development comes a few days after mobile money giant, Orange disassociated itself of any partnership with Super Advertis saying it does not have any contractual dealings or in any way associated with the business/company.

Super Advertis company was introduced in Sierra Leone in 2023. The platform recruited online workers who were asked to complete daily tasks, with a daily income of 50-500 NLE. It also promised corresponding commissions by completing the increase in praise of the products on the platform.