Guinean authorities have reportedly arrested five Sierra Leonean nationals, including prominent All People’s Congress (APC) politician Abu Bakar Konteh, also known as DJ Boxx, in the capital city of Conakry.

The group was reportedly apprehended with a large quantity of illegal synthetic drugs smuggled into the country.

News of the arrest sparked reactions on social media, with Alpha Bah, a Sierra Leonean citizen, taking to Twitter to express concerns.

Bah claims Konteh, a socialite and entertainment manager, fled to Guinea in 2018 fearing harassment from the Sierra Leonean government led by President Bio. He highlights Konteh’s absence from any wanted list and calls for due process.

Bah urges the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to intervene and ensure Konteh’s release if no charges are formally pressed.

He further on Guinean authorities to uphold the rule of law and maintain a safe environment for Sierra Leonean citizens. Additionally, it requests the intervention of the Guinean President to secure Konteh’s release.

The circumstances surrounding Konteh’s arrest and the nature of the alleged drug smuggling remain unclear. Further details are expected to emerge as the investigation progresses.