Ambassador Harold Saffa from the Sierra Leone Embassy in Addis Ababa has recently come across a disturbing video circulating widely on social media.

The video shows a Sierra Leonean woman purportedly being held in an unknown location within Ethiopia, likely in Addis Ababa.

The video appears to have been recorded by a member of the Sierra Leonean community in Addis Ababa.

In response to this alarming situation, the embassy is urgently appealing to the individual(s) who captured the video to come forward and contact the embassy immediately. The embassy can be reached in person or through the following phone numbers:

• +251992781660
• +251967833786
• +251941368656

The embassy stresses the importance of collective responsibility, especially in situations where the safety and well-being of a fellow citizen are at risk. It is crucial for the Sierra Leonean community to work together and provide any available information that could aid in locating and assisting the woman in the video.

Ambassador Harold Saffa is urging any compatriots who recognize the woman or who have any relevant information about her, such as details about her departure from Sierra Leone, to contact the embassy using the provided phone numbers. Information can also be shared directly on the embassy’s platform.