The Gambian authorities held a press conference recently, accusing Sierra Leone of being a source of illegal drug trafficking, particularly the narcotic known as Kush.

This comes after the arrest of three Sierra Leonean nationals – a woman and two men – for possessing Kush and ecstasy pills.

Officials confirmed the presence of a “Kush crisis” in The Gambia, attributing it to the spillover effect from Sierra Leone where, according to Gambian authorities, the drug is more prevalent.

The arrested individuals were apprehended near Sukuta-Jabang Traffic Lights with a significant amount of narcotics. According to Fatu Network, the seized drugs included four kilograms of Kush, valued at D100,000, and 595 ecstasy pills, worth D178,500.

The Gambian government expressed concern about the potential impact of this influx of drugs on the country’s youth. With over 800,000 young people pursuing basic education, authorities fear Kush could become a major threat, derailing their potential and aspirations. The press conference highlighted existing challenges faced by Gambian youth, including limited economic opportunities, institutional weaknesses, and social inequalities. These factors, officials say, already dampen ambition, and the easy availability of drugs like Kush could exacerbate the problem.