The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has on Tuesday 31st October, 2023, admonished over 500 freshmen of the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, at the Institution’s 2023/2024 academic year Orientation Ceremony, held at its Campus, Hill Station, Freetown.
In his thrilling address, the Public Relations Officer, ACC, Sylvanus Blake spoke on the importance of imbibing the values and tenets of integrity and to eschew all corrupt practices more so at this formative stage. He stated that it is as a result of endemic corruption that the then Truth and Reconciliation Report recommended the establishment of the ACC.
Mr. Blake enlightened his listeners on the era of the Commission together with the legal instruments for its establishment and operations. He said that the earlier 2008 Act that repealed and replaced the initial 2000 Act, is one of the strongest anti-corruption laws in the continent. He further said that, the 2019 amendment notably served to strengthen it.
He dilated on the approaches employed by the Commission noting that, prevention through Public Education and Systems Review of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), and enforcement-involving Investigation and Prosecution, are what primarily defines the work of the Commission.
The PRO spoke about the various corruption offences under Part IV of the 2008 Anti-Corruption Act as amended in 2019, that includes; offering, soliciting or accepting advantage, influencing a public officer, corrupting a public officer, bribery of or by public officer to influence decision of public body, Soliciting, accepting or obtaining advantage for public officers, abuse of office, abuse of position, public officer using his office for advantage, receiving gift for a corrupt purpose, Academic Malpractice among others.
He furthered that these are serious offences that attract stiffer penalties upon conviction which include a fine of not less than 50 Million (Old) Leones or a Jail Term of not less than five years.
”The reason I am doing this is to help us all understand what are the offences, how they can apply and most importantly recruit you all on the side of the ACC and Sierra Leone. Ignorance of the law is no excuse”, the Public Relations Officer underscored whilst encouraging them to make do with the anti-corruption messages and inculcate the values of integrity, transparency, probity and accountability.
Credit: Public Relations Unit, ACC
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