Fourah Bay College (FBC), University of Sierra Leone, the administration has announced the suspension of the scheduled Student Union Government (SUG) election, which was set to take place on Saturday, May 25, 2024. This decision comes in response to escalating security concerns following a series of disruptive and violent incidents on campus.

According to an official statement released by the Deputy Registrar, Brima Bah, the college administration is currently investigating several alarming actions perpetrated by groups of students. These actions include the spilling of used engine oil, referred to as “burn oil,” at the entrances of various offices and lecture halls. Additionally, there have been attempts to set fire to the Administration Building during the early hours of Friday, May 24, 2024, at approximately 3:00 a.m. Security personnel were assaulted, and threatening messages were reported.

The administration expressed deep concern over the rising tension, threats, and attacks on both persons and property on campus. These disturbances have severely impacted the peace and tranquility essential for the academic environment, especially in the first week of the second semester. The disruption has notably disadvantaged a majority of students who were eagerly anticipating the commencement of their lectures.

In light of these events, students are advised to continue with their normal academic activities while the administration carries out a thorough investigation into these incidents. A subsequent statement will be issued detailing the next steps following the conclusion of the investigation.

The administration has taken a firm stance against those intent on disturbing the peace on campus and threatening national security. The statement confirmed that individuals involved in attempted arson have already been handed over to the police for further investigation. It also warned that any other individuals found engaging in subversive activities will face similar consequences.

The Deputy Registrar emphasized the administration’s reliance on the understanding and full cooperation of all students in maintaining a conducive academic environment at Fourah Bay College. The commitment to upholding the law and ensuring the safety of the college community remains a top priority.

This suspension marks a critical juncture for Fourah Bay College, reflecting the administration’s resolve to restore order and security on campus while ensuring that the educational pursuits of its students are not compromised. Further updates are expected as the situation develops and the investigation progresses.