The Principal of Mabai Community Junior Secondary School in Tonkolili District, Northern Sierra Leone, Daniel Rahim Kanu has called on the intervention of the government, organizations, and individuals to help him and his community to upgrade their only secondary school building from its current dilapidated state.

The school was established by the Community through the help of the Late Alusine Augustine Turay, a politician, former Councilor, and one of the sons of that Chiefdom to ameliorate the suffering school pupils in Mabai and its environs faced in bigger towns after passing the National primary school examination (NPSE).

As a School, we are faced with a surfeit of challenges. As you can see, even the building is yet to be finished. We lack toilet facilities. The children have to go to the bush to attend to nature. We’re calling on the Government and individuals to step in and help us change the face of the school,” Daniel Rahim Kanu said.

Kanu said though the school is approved by the Government, there are still challenges confronting him, his staff, and the Community. Currently, the Principal said the school needs resources to make it a place fit for learning.

Yes, we need cements, and other building materials to change the school’s status,” he said.

The school and the community have done a lot of things but more needs to be done, Kanu said.

Community Junior Secondary School was established in Mabai – a strategic town in Khalifa Mabang Chiefdom in September 2017.



From time immemorial, pupils from Mabai and the other neighboring villages who passed the final Primary school examinations have to move to either Mile 91 or other bigger towns to access Secondary school education.

During that time, most of them had to drop out of school because of teenage pregnancy, hunger, and others. It was against that backdrop the school was established five years ago to help ameliorate those challenges facing the kids.

But surprisingly, the school is still dilapidated five years after it was established.

There are still no doors and this, the principal said sometimes affects learning especially in the rainy season. Very recently, the principal said, he has to use huge sums of money to renovate the building because he almost stopped learning after the building collapsed.

Kanu said he is on behalf of the entire community pleading to everyone to help change the school.