The Minister of Higher and Technical Education, Haja Ramatulai Wurie, has taken a significant step toward advancing education and technological progress in Sierra Leone.

On the 20th of August, 2023, she officially sealed a contract for the construction of Kono University’s Science and Technology facilities.

The agreement was formalized in collaboration with Aakar Abhinav Consultants Pvt. Ltd, an esteemed Indian company renowned for its expertise in construction and development projects.

In a press release, Minister Wurie underscored the importance of this endeavor. She emphasized that the forthcoming ceremony would build upon the groundwork established by the Sierra Leonean government, ultimately contributing to enhanced regional representation.

Minister Wurie also highlighted that this achievement aligned closely with President Bio’s promises, solidifying his commitment to fostering educational growth and technological advancement.

This development stands as a testament to President Bio’s overarching vision for holistic Human Capital Development (HCD) and his unwavering dedication to bolstering fields within Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). The joint effort between the Ministry of Higher and Technical Education and Aakar Abhinav Consultants Pvt. Ltd signals a progressive stride towards a brighter future for Sierra Leone’s education and technology landscape.