Benson Da Gospel Rapper has unveiled his highly anticipated track, “Moment of Truth.” Hailed as the finest gospel rap song to emerge from Sierra Leone, the track is more than just music—it’s a powerful sermon addressing issues of character, repentance, and adoration.

Born on May 17, 1998, in Freetown, Benson grew up in Kenema and attended Saint Charles Lwanga Primary School and Holy Trinity Secondary School. He is currently a third-year Computer Science student at Njala University. Benson’s journey into music ministry began at the age of 12 at The Door Christian Fellowship Church in Kenema, setting the stage for his future in gospel rap.

Benson first gained national recognition as the only rapper in the Vocal Drift Inspire competition, a national solo singing contest. His unique talent led to multiple award nominations, including Best Gospel Artist at the Black Achievement Awards and Best Gospel Hip-hop Minister of the Year at the Sierra Leone National Gospel Awards.

Despite being an independent artist, Benson is affiliated with the Morning Dew team and has released previous hits like “Stay Hopeful” in 2021 and “Ol God Tightly” in 2022. His collaborations with artists such as Rap Santa and Christo De Gospel Rapper emphasize themes of faith and redemption, solidifying his reputation in the gospel music scene.

“Moment of Truth” is a testament to Benson’s mission to spread messages of faith and redemption through his music. As he continues to rise in the music industry, Benson Da Gospel Rapper is poised to leave an indelible mark on gospel rap, not just in Sierra Leone but globally.

Listen to ‘Moment of Truth ‘