Hawa Dumbuya, better known as Hawa Tombo, the winner of the first season of the popular reality TV show House of Stars, has sparked conversation online by sharing her birthday wishlist on Facebook.
As her birthday approaches, Tombo took to social media to reveal her dream gifts, which include a hefty sum of money, travel experiences, luxurious items, and some sentimental touches.
Topping the list is a cool $5,000. Tombo also desires a getaway to a visa-free African country, a brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max, and a celebratory dinner. Perhaps the most eye-catching request is for a “money cake,” suggesting a fondness for combining birthday traditions with a financial windfall.
Rounding out the list are two nights spent with someone close to her heart, a surprising request for 5 Snickers bars, a wardrobe refresh with 10 polo shirts, and, most importantly, prayers from her fans.