Sierra Leonean comedian Sorie Halahala, known for his unique comedic style, has revealed the challenges he faced in his career, leading to his decision to relocate from Freetown to Waterloo (Bassa Town).

In an emotional statement, the comedian shared his frustrations and the difficulties that contributed to his departure from the capital city.

According to Sorie, despite performing in numerous comedy acts, he was never paid for his work.

He explained that producers consistently told him he was an “upcoming comedian,” and thus, they were helping him reach greater heights by not offering him any financial compensation.

“I was never paid to do all the comedy you’ve seen me doing. The producers said they were trying to lift me up to the apex, so I agreed to it,” Sorie explained.

Sorie also reflected on his former collaboration with well-known comedian Sara D Great. He described how the partnership was initially seen as beneficial, with many recognizing his talent for comedy.

However, things took a turn when rumors spread that Sorie claimed to be more skilled than Sara D Great, a statement he denies ever making. This misunderstanding led to a fallout, with Sara D Great eventually cutting ties and refusing to work with Sorie in future productions.

“Later, Sara D Great shunned me and refused to act in movies with me anymore because people told him I was claiming I knew comedy more than him, which I didn’t say,” Sorie said.

Following this fallout, Sorie faced further setbacks, as many in the industry began to ignore him. He was no longer receiving calls for movie roles or comedy gigs, and his efforts to reach out were met with silence.

These challenges left the comedian feeling discouraged, leading him to relocate from Freetown to Waterloo to escape the mounting pressures.

Despite the setbacks, Sorie Halahala’s candid revelation highlights the often-unseen struggles faced by up-and-coming entertainers.

His story has sparked discussions about fair treatment, support for local talent, and the challenges of navigating the entertainment industry in Sierra Leone.

Fans of the comedian are hopeful that this new chapter taken will provide him with fresh opportunities and a chance to continue pursuing his passion for comedy.