Renowned Sierra Leonean figure, Jimmy Bangura, popularly known as Jimmy B, has penned a heartfelt open letter to President Rtd, Brigadier Dr. Julius Maada Bio, appealing for a presidential pardon and the release of Alhaji Amadu Bah (LAJ) from the Freetown Correctional Center.

In the letter, Jimmy B begins by acknowledging the demanding nature of running a country and expresses his intention to keep the letter concise. He emphasizes the challenges that individuals face, attributing them to God’s plan to test faith and allowing room for personal growth.

Addressing President Bio as the Father of the Nation, Jimmy B humbly urges forgiveness and mercy for LAJ, referring to him as a brother and son of the President. He draws upon Christian teachings, quoting John 8:7, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” emphasizing the universal human tendency to make mistakes.

Despite acknowledging LAJ’s past questionable decisions and the gravity of his conviction, Jimmy B highlights the transformative power of grace and mercy. He expresses his belief that LAJ can emerge from prison as a changed and positively impactful individual, with the support of divine intervention.

Jimmy B notes LAJ’s admirable qualities, citing his selflessness and support for fellow artists. He commends LAJ for recording a sensitization song on substance abuse, showcasing a commitment to societal well-being. The letter also mentions LAJ’s voluntary surrender to authorities following an unfortunate incident, earning him applause from law-abiding citizens.

The appeal extends to Madam Dr. Fatima Jabbie Bio, referred to as the dear sister and mother of the nation. Jimmy B recalls a previous conversation with her, where she expressed sympathy for LAJ’s plight. He kindly requests her motherly voice to be added to the appeal for clemency.

In conclusion, Jimmy B extends warm Christmas wishes and blessings to President Bio, his family, and the people of Sierra Leone. The letter encapsulates a plea for compassion, highlighting the potential for redemption and positive transformation in the spirit of forgiveness.

This appeal from Jimmy B not only reflects concern for LAJ but also emphasizes the broader themes of mercy, personal growth, and communal support within the context of Sierra Leone’s entertainment industry.


An open letter to our President: Rtd, Brigadier Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

Subject: A humble appeal for a PRESIDENTIAL PARDON and release of our dear brother and friend, Alhaji Amadu Bah (LAJ)
from the Freetown correctional center.

Dear Sir,

I greet you in the name of my Lord and personal savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Sir, I can only imagine how blessed, yet demanding, and stressful the privilege of running a country is. Therefore, I will keep my letter brief, so as to not eat into the valuable time of your daily activities.

Sir, sometimes God allows us to go through the worst of times. He allows us to go through unbelievable challenges and, from time to time, allows the devil to have his way, in order to test our faith. Of course, the devil will always try to manipulate us into doing his bidding so that we not only lose our way but also fail to actualize God’s purpose for us.
Only by his grace do we overcome.

We are all a work in progress, and as mortals, none of us is perfect. Sometimes, we do fall short. But when we do, our Father in Heaven, being true to the definition of the word “Father,” always show us mercy and forgive us.

We all know LAJ, has made so many, many, many questionable decisions in the past…and I will never, in good conscience trivialize any of his mistakes, especially for that which he was convicted and serving time. However, the Bible says in John 8:7
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Sir, as Father of the Nation, I ask with great humility, that you forgive and show mercy to our brother, your son, LAJ, by pardoning and have him released from prison. I want to believe that the LAJ who went in will come out a different man, a better man, a more positively impactful man to society, by God’s grace.

In spite of his many undesirable actions in the past, he has some attributes that are admirable. For example, he was selfless and supportive of his fellow artists in so many ways. He was very giving and helpful to so many. I genuinely believe that God allowed him to go through this dark period, simply to humble him and to have him make that u-turn so that he can be a better version of himself.

Already, I have noticed some visible changes.
A few months ago, he recorded a sensitization song on substance abuse, discouraging the youths from this new menace called KUSH. After the very unfortunate incident of November 26th, Laj, on his own volition turned himself in to the relevant authorities, a gesture every law abiding and patriotic citizen applauded. I have spoken to so many in the entertainment industry, both friends and foes, who are 110% in support of his release.

To you, my dear sister and mother of the nation, Madam, Dr. Fatima Jabbie Bio, if by chance you get to see and read this letter, I kindly ask that you add your motherly voice to my appeal.

I remember we had this conversation almost fifteen months ago, sitting next to you, on a flight back home from Accra, You were sympathetic to his plight and spoke highly of him.
As the mother of the nation, I ask once again that you add your voice.

With this, I end my letter.

Sir, I wish you and your family and the beautiful people of this great nation (Sierra Leone) a very merry, merry Christmas and a happy, glorious, and prosperous 2024
