Many students who did ordinary level Economics will definitely understand what Diminishing returns is. The law of Diminishing returns states that “as investment in a particular area increases, the rate of profit from that investment, after a certain point, cannot continue to increase if other variables remain at a constant.”

An artiste is a product, there comes a time when the demand for a particular artiste is extremely low. K-Man Bingoman seems to be at this point. There are factors that influence an increase and a fall in demand. Hey! let’s not go too deep into Economics as we only wanted you to understand the point at which Daphne is in the Market. So how did K-Man get to this point of Diminishing returns where the demand for him and profits made is extremely low??

Hit songs. BINGO UNIT music focused on making hit songs not music that can still make sense after years. We understand they are a company and yes needed to make profits but they focused solely on making hit songs and ignoring legendary songs. Few people will listen to Nobody Else, Juju, Na u Sabi Dae, Chewing Gum Love and Am sorry today until it finish.

At a point you feel like it’s boring because bigger and better hit songs and new artistes are in the market. You have almost no reason going back to listen to that. Today K-Man’s songs that still make sense are “Nobody Else, Mama and Pose En Dengeh“. These are legendary songs.

Consistency: K-Man became so inconsistent, he could drop 2 songs or even 1 song in a year. His fans had to give up and find new favorite artistes. When a particular product is no longer available in the market, consumers look for substitutes. If K-Man comes back now he will have to reintroduce himself and may be in a different way before the demand for his might go up.

Uniqueness. What you see or hear in K-Man’s music you can easily get it out there from other artistes. It is safe to say Bingo Man had no sound and you can’t survive for long in the music market when you are not unique. If someone like Shuabu of “Obaketon”hit maker goes mute today, people who need his product ( Music ) will go back to his old songs because they can’t find it elsewhere and because they are legendary songs but for K-Man? You will always find artistes out there doing what she is doing.

Lord Mo Records used to be a power house for BINGO UNIT music too. When they dissolve and everybody getting busy, things became tough for Bingo’s music. They understood K-Man and what he needed to make hit songs and they delivered just that. K-Man biggest song “Am Sorry“ was written by Someone. Things have become extremely tough for him and productivity had to drop leading to what we are experiencing

Competition: The rise of Artistes like Morris D WonderBoy , I-Tribe and many others made things more difficult for K-Man. Rahim D Wezard-RARA on his part has been the most consistent, professional and most talented male act at the moment. This made him win Best Male artiste of the year at the NEA AWARD 2 years back.

K-Man is currently living on past Glories, take that away and he will have no spot in the SIERRA LEONEAN Entertainment industry. The question is “ For how long will he live on past Glories? “. Music is business, you must be strategic and futuristic. You must study and understand the market situation in SIERRA LEONE if you must stay relevant. However we wish to see him come back better and bigger.