Sierra Leone Ambassador of Entertainment, Dennis Amara Turay, popularly known as Kao Denero, has recently been seen in a photograph on social media enjoying breakfast with his father at Crown Bakery in Freetown.

This picture has sparked a wave of discussion, particularly in light of previous criticism suggesting a strained relationship between the hip-hop star and his father.

In the past, some individuals, notably supporters of opposition hip-hop artists, have claimed that Kao Denero has not maintained a positive connection with his family, leaving them to endure hardships in the Lungi area of Port Loko region. These assertions have fueled speculation and debate about the artist’s personal life.

However, the recent image of Kao Denero and his father sharing a meal at a local restaurant has drawn significant attention and generated positive responses from social media users. Commenters have expressed their approval of the gesture, with many considering it a blessing for the artist to treat his father to a pleasant breakfast outing. One commenter even went so far as to describe the act as a wonderful gesture that would bring happiness to Kao Denero’s father.

Despite the numerous comments and reactions flooding in on social media, Kao Denero, who is also recognized as the Ambassador of Sierra Leone’s Music Industry, has chosen not to respond to these remarks.