Sierra Leonean music producer Nashito Kulala, co-owner of Hejenah Entertainment, expressed disappointment with Kao Denero’s recently released album “Heroes” in a recent interview.

Kulala, who manages and promotes artists like Suga Lulu, ABizzy, and Incredible JJ, gave the album a 6 out of 10 rating. He explained that his expectations were high due to the album’s marketing and collaborations with prominent artists like Mode 9 and Shata Wale.

“I felt the album wasn’t properly mixed and mastered,” Kulala stated. He elaborated on his hesitancy to speak out earlier, fearing industry backlash due to his past work with Kao Denero.

“True music listeners will understand what I’m saying,” he emphasized, “the album’s production quality falls short.” Kulala declined to specify any particular songs.

When asked about future collaboration with Kao Denero, Kulala remained open. However, he referenced past disagreements with the artist, particularly concerning Incredible JJ, suggesting a need for improved communication.