Information from a reliably impeccable sources within the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) has disclosed that members of the National Advisory Committee (NAC) of the party are ganging up against the former presidential candidate Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara for a would-be candidate they have already endorsed furtively.

According to sources within the APC that asked for anonymity for fear of disciplinary action against them, erstwhile President Ernest Bai Koroma has recommended someone to NAC members for their endorsement by stealth, as the next presidential candidate for the 2028 national elections.

They disclosed, amongst other things, that former President Koroma has recommended a handpicked presidential candidate to NAC in the person of one Dr Ibrahim Bangura, who they claim lectures at Fourah Bay College (FBC) in Freetown. They further alleged that NAC members have deliberately fallen out with Dr. Samura Kamara because they have assured their former APC Chairman and Leader that they would do everything humanly possible to ensure Dr. Ibrahim Bangura emerged victorious as APC presidential candidate in the next National Delegates Conference.

The sources also claimed that despite former President Koroma is in the Federal Republic of Nigeria on medical grounds following his ongoing treason that in Sierra Leone, he is still in full control of the NAC, the second highest decision-making organ of the APC after the National Delegates Conference, which comprised most of his groveling comrades like the current National Chairman, Alhajı Mınkailu Mansaray, National Deputy Chairman, Alhaji Osman Foday Yansaneh, National Secretary General, Lansana Dumbuya, among others.

Meanwhile, some intending flagbearer aspirants who have heard wind of the surreptitious plan for another handpicked presidential candidate have vowed to resist the continuous dictatorship of erstwhile President Koroma in the APC and the double standard of the NAC.