Meet an empathetic, compassionate, supportive, and encouraging Mariatu Kamara who is using her talent and passion to work for humanity.

She is a selfless philanthropist with a kind and motherly heart that cannot be easily found. Kamara is the CEO and Founder of The Sisters of Deenul Islam Organization and a co-founder of DAQVAH Charity Foundation. Both are an Independent Islamic relief foundation that caters for the poor and needy especially women and children.

Mariatu Kamara is a brilliant Communicator with a BA (Hons) in Mass Communications and Diplomas in Peace & Conflict Studies and Human Resource Management. Kamara has a wealth of experience in the media and administration working for Talking Drum and the National Elections Watch (NEW) in Freetown.


Through her communication skills, Kamara mobilize resources for the poor and less fortunate through different projects undertaken by these organizations. She helps in providing clothing for the less privileged on a yearly basis, mostly during the religious holidays. She leads a team that organizes quiz competitions for University students, which in turn helps student to grow their cognition.

Through the DAQVAH, Kamara and team reach out to the orphans, widows, disables and other less privileged all year round through different projects. Many Sierra Leoneans have benefitted greatly from these projects, some of which have been complimenting the government’s efforts to combating hunger and providing adequate water supply for the people.


Outside her profession, Kamara is a mother of two, a supportive wife and a lover and friend to her husband who is the biggest source of her joy as she is to him. This is shown in Kamara and husband’s show called the ‘Mr n Mrs Bizzy Show’; a show where they share their marriage life experiences to inspire and motivate young couples.