Conflict of Interest: Chief Minister’s Flagbearer Aspiration Compromises his Position as Chairman Constitutional Review Committee

The Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) continues to attract the admiration and support of many Sierra Leoneans because of the way it prides itself in intra-party democratic values as well as its provision of stellar leadership at state governance level.

Staying true to its enviable ‘One Country One People’ philosophy and the quest to sync the internal politics of the party with international democratic best practice, the party saw the need to amend its 1995 constitution. The National Executive Council (NEC) mandated the National Executive to set up a committee that could be charged with the responsibility of reviewing the 1995 SLPP constitution as amended. A document was put together in that regard. It was approved at the highest decision making level of the party.

But constitutions do not come out of sticks and stones but emanate from the very preponderance of a group of people who draw the rest of the community in their wake. The party realized, after listening to genuine concerns, that a review of the new constitution was necessary.

President Julius Maada Bio, as Leader of the party, appointed Chief Minister Dr David Moinina Sengeh chairman of the Constitutional Review Committee. The work of this committee has far-reaching implications on the party’s quest to retain power in 2028.

The committee is expected to discharge its duties without fear, favor or undue influence so that the outcome of the process would not only be acceptable to all but would create a level-playing field for all would-be contestants.

As it is now, Chief Minister Sengeh is perhaps one of those who have in theory and in practice made their SLPP 2028 flagbearer aspirations very clear. It is no longer a secret that he has eyes on the big prize.

This effectively compromises his position as Chairman of the committee because it unfairly gives him the whip hand and enables him to use the process to further his own flagbearer agenda.

In the interest of fairness and for the enhancement of the integrity of the process, Dr. Sengeh should relinquish his role as chairman. He cannot be a referee and a player in the same match or game.

The truth is, if he is allowed to continue in that position while also pursuing his flagbearer aspirations, a dangerous precedent will be set.

As it is now, unity is what matters to the SLPP ahead of 2028. Anything short of that and engendered by skewed processes or unfair advantages will severely affect that unity. And we all do not want this to happen.