Sierra Leone’s Health Minister, Austin Demby has revealed that 2,350 of the 5,000 Sierra Leoneans that registered for medical treatment with charity, Mercy Ships are considered “very critical”.

So, they have been prioritised by the medical experts on the ship,” the Health Minister said.

Dr. Demby furthered that his ministry had already set a “Hope Centre” at Macauley Street Hospital to assist patients with serious health conditions. Dr. Demby said the centre will serve as a rest centre before patients are taken to the ship for surgeries.

He added that Mercy Ships are already partnering with the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS) in the area of training of students. Dr. Demby revealed that the charity will be assisting in the establishment of a Dentistry School in the country as an added boost to the health sector.

A delegation from Mercy Ships visited State House on Tuesday August 22, 2023.

The delegation informed the President, Julius Maada Bio that the charity’s new vessel and biggest will be available to offer medical aid to Sierra Leoneans for the next 10 months.

Bio welcomed the delegation while adding that he was looking to the charity’s service to Sierra Leoneans.

We are executed, and I am particularly happy to know that 5,000 people with health conditions in Sierra Leone have already registered to benefit from services the ship will render,” the President said.