Rainbow Initiative has released its 2023 Annual Report in The Fight Against Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

The report Capture a total of 2,763 Survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) sought refuge in Various Centers across the Sierra Leone.

The report details a breakdown of survivor cases throughout the year, showing fluctuations in both female and male survivors. Female survivors numbered 2,734 across the months, with monthly figures ranging from 164 to 289. Male survivors, though fewer in number, also sought assistance, totaling 20 cases throughout the year. Rainbo Initiative stresses that these statistics are individual survivors. Rainbo Initiative operates seven Rainbo Centres nationwide, providing essential services such as counseling, medical support, and advocacy to survivors of GBV.

Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) is violence committed against a person because of his or her sex or gender. It is forcing another person to do something against his or her will through violence, coercion, threats, deception, cultural expectations, or economic means.

Rainbow Initiative Annual Report serve as a testament to the incredible work the Organization have accomplished together. They provide a comprehensive overview of their programmes and initiatives, showcasing the positive changes they have brought about in the lives of survivors and the communities they serve.

These reports also highlight the effectiveness and success of their efforts through key data and statistics.

From Supporting Over 2,700 survivors to ground breaking new partnership, Rainbow Initiative described 2023 as a year of incredible progress in the fight against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Sierra Leone.